20 Different Types of Attack Strategies With Replays in Clan Wars for Town Hall 8 in Clash of Clans

In Clash of Clans,sometimes it can be very important to take 3 stars to any Town Hall 8 with your

Town Hall 8 troops.But most of the time Town Hall 8 players can not take 3 stars from other Town

Hall 8.You can learn attack strategies by watching replays of successful 3 stars attacks in youtube.

But if you need to take 3 stars from war easily.You can use any of these attack strategies

Various Types of Attack Strategies-

1.Balloon                                                                  11.GoWi

2.Balloonion                                                            12.GoWiPe

3.Dragloon                                                                13.GoWiWi

4.Dragloonion                                                          14.GoWiWiPe

5.Dragon                                                                   15.HoDrag

6.Dragonion                                                              16.HogRider     
7.GiBarch                                                                   17.HoWi

8.GiWi                                                                         18.HoWiWi

9.GiWiHe                                                                    19.PeWi

10.GiWiPe                                                                  20.Mixed Troops

If you want to learn any of these attacks.See below.And if you want to see the replays of that attack 

strategies.Just click on that attack type of that Attack strategies.And you will be redirected to 


Attack Strategies for Clan War-

In Town Hall 8 you have actually 225 Spaces for your army.200 Space in the army camp and 25 space in clan castle.In these attack strategies, Dark Spells are not used but you can use your favorite Dark Spell.


31 Balloons,8 Minions,24 Archers,4 Barbarians,2 Goblins,1 Wizard,3 Healing Spells.


28 Balloons,30 Minions,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.


9 Dragon,9 Loons,3 Rage Spells.


6 Dragons,4 Balloons,30 Minions,3 Light Spells.


10 Dragons,5 Balloons,3 Rage Spells.


9 Dragons,5 Archers,20 Minions,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spells.


59 Barbarians,16 Giants,59 Archers,6 Wall Breakers,2 Goblins,2 Wizards,1 Rage Spell,2 Healing Spells.


28 Archers,16 Giants,3 Wall Breakers,26 Wizards,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


8 Giants,11 Wizards,56 Archers,50 Barbarians,8 Wall Breakers,1 Healer,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


15 Giants,10 Wall Breakers,10 Wizards,45 Archers,3 Hog Riders,1 Pekka,3 Healing Spells.


2 Golems,30 Wizards,10 Wall Breakers,25 Archers,3 Rage Spells.


2 Golems,19 Wizards,3 Pekka,7 Wall Breakers,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.


12 Wall Breakers,5 Barbarians,2 Archers,20 Wizards,3 Golems,2 Witches,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


2 Golems,16 Wizards,2 Witches,2 Pekka,2 Archers,8 Wall Breakers,1 Barbarian,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


9 Dragons, 4 Hog Riders, 5 Hog Riders,2 Rage Spells, 1 Healing Spell.


5 Barbarians, 5 Archers, 1 Dragon, 34 Hog Rider, 5 Hog Riders,4 Healing Spells.


30 Hog Riders, 10 Barbarians, 20 Archers, 5 Wizards, 5 Hog Riders,3 Healing Spells.


9 Barbarian, 32 Hog Riders, 2 Witches, 8 Wizards, 3 Healing Spells.


1 Archer, 1 Barbarians, 5 Pekka, 7 Wall Breakers, 21 Wizards,2 Healing Spells, 1Rage Spell.

20.Mixed Troops-

20 Archers, 1 Dragon, 2 Golems, 11 Wall Breakers, 7 Wizards, 2 Pekka, 5 Hog Riders,2 Rage Spells, 1 Healing Spell.

Always know one thing-"Practice makes a man perfect".Always try these attacks when you are

going to loot which make you more perfect.And watch all these replays of three stars attacks which

may give you ideas on how to attack a Town Hall 8 base.
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