In Clash of Clans, one of the precious items is gems.You can’t buy builder’s hut without gems.Gems
also can be used to boost Barracks and spell factory.We can also reduce the upgrade time with
Gems.And you can get free gems from the game by finishing achievements or removing Obstacles.
So earning too many Gems from the game is a little bit difficult.Only Gem Box can give you 25
Gems.But average spawn rate of one gem box is every 2-3 weeks.But if you are lucky then you can
get 2 Gem Box in one week.On the other side sometimes you don’t get any Gem Box from the last 3
You can get one obstacle every 8 hours.It means 21 obstacles from one week. You can get an average
of 2.1 Gems from one obstacle.So after the end of one week, you will get 44 Gems only from
obstacles.But we can not get this number of Gems after the end of one week.But why?
I will show you how to get more Gems from Obstacles with better Obstacle spawn rate-
More Obstacles Give you more Gems-
Everyone knows that an Obstacle can not spawn in the red area of your base.But if your base is too large like this base
You will get a low amount of obstacles because the obstacle is spawning once every 8 hours.And if there is no possible space to spawn,it will not spawn at all.If much space is taken by Building in your base then Obstacles spawn rate will be minimum.So if you are farming Gems always make your base in a small portion of the ground.And you will get many Obstacles surely.
Remove Obstacles as fast as possible-
Always clear Obstacles as fast as possible.If you don’t clear Obstacles,there will be a minimum chance of getting new Obstacles.Many Clashers think that they can save Gems by not removing Obstacles.But this is a bad can’t get more Obstacles if you already have enough Obstacles in your base.And for Gem Box, you will never get another Gems Box if you don’t remove the previous one.So always remove Obstacles to get the next one as soon as possible.
Max chances of getting a Gem Box-
Most of the time we see Gem Box at the sight of the base.A maximum percent of Gem Box spawn there.So always remove Obstacles on sight as fast as possible to max your chance of getting a Gem Box.
If your builders are working and you can not remove Obstacles from last three days.Then try to short your base as much as possible to get more Obstacles.Always remember that the Gems you get from removing Obstacles like trunks,trees ,Mushrooms,bushes are following a fixed sequence.That is-
But it is only valid upto next update.This sequence gets changed with every update by the developers of Clash of Clans.
So at the end,to increase Gem farming rate and spawning rate of Obstacles,you should have enough
space in your base to grow as much Obstacles as possible.And remove the Gem Box as fast as
possible to get another Gem Box quickly.
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