Updates You want Next in Clash of Clans 2017

The developers of Supercell always update Clash of Clans which increase options for high town hall 

players.They always listen to our feedback and always made changes to improve things in Clash of 

Clans.In 2016 Clash of Clans gives us some new things like new troops,new troops level,new 

defenses and new spells.They added Bomb Tower as defense,gave us new level troops like Baby 

Dragon level 5 and Wizard level 7.In Clash of Clans, we never think of this type of updates in 

2015.But it happened in 2016.Now what we will want to see next?Here are some new features we want

 to see in 2017.

King and Queen Can be Used During Upgrade-

Heroes always take an essential part in any attack.We need Heroes in loot attacks,in Trophy pushing attacks and even in war attacks.Without Heroes war is too tough for us.we can not take 3 stars without Heroes.But King and Queen take a long time in an upgrade.And at that time we can not use them.So it will be very nice if we can use heroes while upgrading.But from this Supercell makes a huge profit.Users buy gems to get their king and queen back to war.But it will be best if we can use Heroes only in war.

Donate Resources-

 In this time we can donate only troops and dark spells to our friends.But another good option is to allow Clan member to donate Gold and Elixir.Many TownHall 6 or 7 players try to save their Gold and Elixir but they can’t because of their low defense.Sometimes they need 4 lakh for an update but they only have 3 lakh then it will be very good if other Clan members can give them Gold and Elixir in Clan Castle for their update.If this happen,we’d love to see it.

Night Mode-

The developer of Clash of Clans always change the background look of the game like In Christmas we will see snow on all the buildings and in Halloween we will see Scary pumpkins.But we will love to see a night or dark mode.If Supercell do that,it’s will be a nice change.In day we will see normal background of Clash of Clans but in night we will see a dark background.But users can disable this day-night option from settings. We’d love to see this update.


Everyone has dreamed of some kind of use on the sea of the clash of clans.It will be best if you will see a ship which can be repaired for 50k Gold starting at Town Hall 4.This ship will probably give us some daily quests.When we start to play Clash of Clans we need to repair our Clan Castle so it will be awesome if we see a ship broken in the water and need to repair that.This is our next wish.

New Dark Troops-

Developers already added new Dark troop in 2016 which was Bowler.We are expecting another dark troop in 2017.It will be very good if Supercell will add some “ice” troops to slow down enemy units and buildings like ice wizard of Clash Royale.So we’d love to see some new Dark troops in 2017.

We Can Loot Gem Box-

It would be awesome if we can loot gems from Gem Box.But Supercell makes a huge profit from Gems.So we will never see this type of update but We’d love to see if this happens.

This is some features everyone wants to see in the next Clash of Clans update.
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