After October 2016 update Army training is going to be so easy.Training troops are one of the
frequent parts of Clash of Clans.We always want our troops trained as fast as possible.After October 2016 update we can do this easily.
1.Two Sets of Full Army
After October update, we can easily store two sets of armies.So you can attack easily right after each other.
2.Troops Donation beside of Clan War Training
You always have full armies ready for Clan war, and then you can also donate troops to your friends.You can build 3 types of armies like this.
1.In the first deck, this is your main army to attack for loot.
2.In the second deck,this army is for donation.
3.In the third deck,this army is for clan war donations.
When you are going to attack then train your first deck and after attack, if you want to donate troops to your friends and war castles,You can do that at the same time.Just train that two deck at the same time and take some rest.And your all troops will be ready for donation.
3.Troops Training Time reduced
Troops training time is reduced by 25%.So now you can donate troops to your friends quicker.And you don't need to waste your Gems to donate troops to your friends faster.In the past, if you want to donate Golem you have to wait for 15 mins.But now you can give Golem to your friends in 5 mins.
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