Before coming to the point,first, you have to know that what is Funnel.When you are going to attack a base, you have to require your troops to go to center especially Heroes,This is called Funneling.You will see that lots of attacks fail because Wizards or Valkyrie or Archer Queen walk around the base but don’t enter in the middle of that base.

Now I will tell you what you have to do to funnel your troops in the center of a base.

First, you have to know why do troops go to the wrong way-

It’s because in every base there are two or more rings.The first ring is the outside Buildings then walls then inside buildings.And your troops always go to the nearest Building to attack(For Giants,Hogs,Lava Hound,Balloons, and Golems nearest defense).That’s why sometimes they don’t enter to the middle of the base and walk around the base.

Easy Techniques to Funnel Your Troops-

 You need to follow these steps-

1.Destroy outside buildings-

First, you have to know that your troops will attack the nearest building then the next buildings and so on.So first imagine that what will be the path of your troops.then destroy the buildings first of that path with wizards.Then attack with the rest of your troops.

2.Breaking The Ring-

The main thing to make your troops go to the center is called “Breaking The Ring”.First, destroy the outside structures and your troops will always attack the next building then your job is to make sure that they don’t follow the easy route and go straight to the mid.You only have to take out some outside buildings and the ring is broken.Then your troops will easily go inside and you probably get your victory.
See this video to know how to break the ring easily-

For Dragons, it’s very important to break the outside ring.So don’t deploy all dragons in one time.When you are going to attack you should follow these steps-
Step 1-

Remove the Ring by taking out outside buildings with 2 or 3 Dragons.

Step 2-

Deploy full troops and enjoy the Victory.

But it’s very hard to take 2 stars from this base-

The only thing you have to know is that creating a funnel.But for this base, you have to follow these steps-

1.Always use level 30+ Heroes.otherwise you can’t take 2 or 3 stars.

2.You need to support with a Healer.

Don’t invest too many troops to create a funnel.Now funneling your troops will be much easier for you.

If you have any query,you can comment below.

If you are in Town Hall 10 or Town Hall 11,The most common attack is Bowler's attack or Miners
attack.After the recent “Miner” update,now Miners are useless.So many attackers attack with
Bowlers in loot and also in Clan Wars.And if their king and queen’s level are greater than 30.then
they can easily take 3 stars from any Town Hall 10 base and get 2 stars easily from Town Hall 11.

But with this Base Design,Clan Castle Troops,Trap Placement and Bomb Tower Placement you can easily defend against Bowler attacks.

Defend Bowler Attacks-

If you want to defend your base from Bowler attacks,you have to know that how Bowler attacks a base.

 How Bowlers Work-

Bowlers have good enough health,deal good damage and also deal damage to the nearby buildings.A normal Bowler attack works in the following ways-

1.First enemies clear the outside buildings of your base.
2.Funneling their troops.
3.Then they Send Bowlers and Healers with the help of the heroes.
4.They destroy the base with the help of Rage Spells,Freeze Spells, and Jump Spells.
5.And the last thing if their king and queen level are greater than 30 they can easily take 3 stars from any Town Hall 10 Base.

How to stop Bowler attacks-

The Bowler attack will fail if you do the following things-

1.Kill them very fast and don’t let them go to the middle of the base.
2.Kill their support as soon as possible such as Healers.

Bomb Tower Placement for Bowler attacks-

Bowler is a ranged troop so Bomb Tower does not make any high damage to Bowlers.So you have to place the Bomb Tower where Bowler’s supporter like giants go first.So always place bomb tower in the middle of your base then Giants target your Bomb Tower and Bowler can’t go too quick in the middle of your base.

Trap Placement against Bowlers-

First, you have to know that Bowler has 310-370 hitpoints.Level 3 Bowler has 370 hitpoints.
Now a Giant Bomb deal 250 if you place two Giant Bomb in one place they can deal 500 damage to the Bowlers so healing spell does not work at that position.

Now another good trap is Spring Traps.A good Trap placement always depends on your base.The best way to place the trap is first to see your defense on that base and see that from where more giants and more Bowlers attack.Then you will find a good spot where they always cross.

In this layout every attacker will attack from this position because their first target will be Eagle we place all our traps on that path.

If attackers attack from that position then the troops totally wiped out in seconds with the help of Giant Bombs and Spring Traps.

And also place Seeking Air Mines on that path because after October update seeking mines can detect Healers.

So if attackers attack from that side this will happen-

Some replay of Bowler attacks-

They will never take 2 stars from that base.And if you are lucky then you will win that defense.

Clan Castle Troops-

The base troop to defend Bowler's attack is Golem.Golem is the best choice because-

1.Golem has high hitpoints so it keeps Bowlers busy for some time while defenses deal damage to them.
2.When Golem dies it deals 350-550 damage which is same as giant bombs.It can kill a group of Bowlers in a second.

So always take Golems if you want to defend your base from Bowler's attack.

Anti Bowler Base Design-

For Town Hall 10-

For Town Hall 11-

So always check from where a major Bowler attacks come.Then harden that part with your traps.

If you have any query you can comment below.

In Clash of Clans,sometimes it can be very important to take 3 stars to any Town Hall 8 with your

Town Hall 8 troops.But most of the time Town Hall 8 players can not take 3 stars from other Town

Hall 8.You can learn attack strategies by watching replays of successful 3 stars attacks in youtube.

But if you need to take 3 stars from war easily.You can use any of these attack strategies

Various Types of Attack Strategies-

1.Balloon                                                                  11.GoWi

2.Balloonion                                                            12.GoWiPe

3.Dragloon                                                                13.GoWiWi

4.Dragloonion                                                          14.GoWiWiPe

5.Dragon                                                                   15.HoDrag

6.Dragonion                                                              16.HogRider     
7.GiBarch                                                                   17.HoWi

8.GiWi                                                                         18.HoWiWi

9.GiWiHe                                                                    19.PeWi

10.GiWiPe                                                                  20.Mixed Troops

If you want to learn any of these attacks.See below.And if you want to see the replays of that attack 

strategies.Just click on that attack type of that Attack strategies.And you will be redirected to 


Attack Strategies for Clan War-

In Town Hall 8 you have actually 225 Spaces for your army.200 Space in the army camp and 25 space in clan castle.In these attack strategies, Dark Spells are not used but you can use your favorite Dark Spell.


31 Balloons,8 Minions,24 Archers,4 Barbarians,2 Goblins,1 Wizard,3 Healing Spells.


28 Balloons,30 Minions,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.


9 Dragon,9 Loons,3 Rage Spells.


6 Dragons,4 Balloons,30 Minions,3 Light Spells.


10 Dragons,5 Balloons,3 Rage Spells.


9 Dragons,5 Archers,20 Minions,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spells.


59 Barbarians,16 Giants,59 Archers,6 Wall Breakers,2 Goblins,2 Wizards,1 Rage Spell,2 Healing Spells.


28 Archers,16 Giants,3 Wall Breakers,26 Wizards,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


8 Giants,11 Wizards,56 Archers,50 Barbarians,8 Wall Breakers,1 Healer,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


15 Giants,10 Wall Breakers,10 Wizards,45 Archers,3 Hog Riders,1 Pekka,3 Healing Spells.


2 Golems,30 Wizards,10 Wall Breakers,25 Archers,3 Rage Spells.


2 Golems,19 Wizards,3 Pekka,7 Wall Breakers,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.


12 Wall Breakers,5 Barbarians,2 Archers,20 Wizards,3 Golems,2 Witches,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


2 Golems,16 Wizards,2 Witches,2 Pekka,2 Archers,8 Wall Breakers,1 Barbarian,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


9 Dragons, 4 Hog Riders, 5 Hog Riders,2 Rage Spells, 1 Healing Spell.


5 Barbarians, 5 Archers, 1 Dragon, 34 Hog Rider, 5 Hog Riders,4 Healing Spells.


30 Hog Riders, 10 Barbarians, 20 Archers, 5 Wizards, 5 Hog Riders,3 Healing Spells.


9 Barbarian, 32 Hog Riders, 2 Witches, 8 Wizards, 3 Healing Spells.


1 Archer, 1 Barbarians, 5 Pekka, 7 Wall Breakers, 21 Wizards,2 Healing Spells, 1Rage Spell.

20.Mixed Troops-

20 Archers, 1 Dragon, 2 Golems, 11 Wall Breakers, 7 Wizards, 2 Pekka, 5 Hog Riders,2 Rage Spells, 1 Healing Spell.

Always know one thing-"Practice makes a man perfect".Always try these attacks when you are

going to loot which make you more perfect.And watch all these replays of three stars attacks which

may give you ideas on how to attack a Town Hall 8 base.

In Clash of Clans,sometimes it can be very important to take 3 stars to any Town Hall 9 with your 

Town Hall 9 troops.You can learn attack strategies by watching replays of successful 3 stars attacks

 in youtube.In Town Hall 9,A new defense “x Bow” is added which is a very useful defense.But if 

you need to take 3 stars from war easily.You can use any of these attack strategies.

Varius Types of Attack Strategies-

1.Balloonion                                              19.HoDragLoon

2.Dragloon                                                 20.HogRider

3.Dragon                                                     21.HoGiWiWi

4.GiWi                                                         22.HoGoWi

5.GiWiHe                                                    23.HoGoWiPe

6.GoWiWiLoon                                          24.HoGoWiWi

7.GoLavaloonion                                       25.HoLoGoWiWi

8.GoWi                                                        26.HoLoWiWi

9.GoWiPe                                                    27.HoWi

10.GoWiPeLoon                                         28.LavaDragLoon

11.GoWiVaPe                                              29.LavaLoon

12.GoWiWi                                                   30.LavaLoonion

13.GoWiWiLoon                                           31.Mixed Troops

14.GoWiWiPe                                               32.PentaLavaLoon

15.GoWiWiPeLoon                                       33.QuattroLavaLoon

16.GoWiWiVa                                                34.QuattroLavaLoonion

17.GoWiWiVaPe                                           35.VaGiWiWiPe


If you want to learn any of these attacks.See below.

And if you want to see the replays of that attack strategies.Just click on that attack type of that 

Attack strategies.And you will be redirected to youtube.

Attack Strategies for Clan War-


28  Ballons, 40  Minions,1 Wizard,1 Archer,2 Rage Spell,2 Healing Spell.


8 Dragons, 14 Balloons, 6 Minions, 2 Rage Spells, 2 Healing Spells.


8 Archer,10 Dragon,6 Balloon,7 Barbarian,3 Rage Spell,1 Healing Spell.


12 Giants,4 Wall Breakers,35 Wizards,22 Archers,3 Healing Spell,1 Rage Spell.                                                    


20 Giants,16 Archers,10 Wall Breakers,14 Wizards,2 Healers,3 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spells.                                                 


1 Golems,9 Giants,6 Wall Breaker,17 Wizards,1 Witch,16 Balloons,3 Archers,2 Rage Spell,1 Healing Spell,1 Jump Spell.                                      


20 Balloons,1 Golem,2 Lava Hound,16 Minion,4 Wall Breakers,5 Wizards,3 Rage Spell,1 Healing Spell.                                   


3 Golems,6 Giants,24 Wizards,8 Wall Beakers,7 Barbarians,2 minions,7 Archers,2 Rage Spells,2 Healing Spells.                                                 


3 Golems,15 Wizards,3 Pekka,7 Wall Breakers,2 Balloons,1 Archer,2 Rage Spells,2 Healing Spells.                                           


14 Balloons,1 Giant,2 Golems,1 Pekka,11 Wall Breakers,17 Wizards,1 Rage Spells,1 Jump Spell,2 Healing Spells.                                     


2 Golems,15 Wizards,8 Wall Breakers,1 Pekka,11 Valkyries,1 Barbarian,1 Jump Spellm2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.                                      


3 Golems,17 Wizards,4 Witches,7 Wall Breakers,6 Hog Riders,2 Rage Spells,2 Healing Spells.                                              



3 Golems,9 Wall Breakers,19 Wizards,3 Witch,6 Balloon,2 Rage Spell,2 Healing Spells.                                


3 Golems,15 Wizards,4 Witches,11 Wall Breakers,5 Archers,1 Pekka,1 Light Spells,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spells.                                          


15 Balloons,2 Golems,9 Wizards,2 Witches,2 Pekka,5 Barbarians,1 Jump Spells,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.                              


4 Giants,2 Golems,6 Wall Breakers,2 Archers,13 Wizards,2 Witches,10 Valkyries,3 Healing Spells,1 Jump Spells.                                        


2 Golems,10 Wizards,7 Wall Breakers,2 Witches,5 Archersm1 Pekka,10 Valkyries,1 Jump Spell,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.                                        


18 Hog Riders,8 Dragons,2 Healing Spells,2 Rage Spells.


11 Balloons,8 Dragons,2 Wall Breakers,1 Archer,6 Hog Riders,2 Rage Spells,2 Healing Spells.


38 Hog Riders,12 Barbarians,10 Archers,7 Wizards,3 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


16 Giants,4 Witches,8 Wizards,10 Hog Riders,3 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


31 Hog Riders,1 Golem,12 Wizards,8 Wall Breakers,1 Archer,4 Healing Spells.


3 Golems,12 Hog Riders,1 Pekka,15 Wizards,6 Wall Breaker,2 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell,1 Jump Spell.


2 Golems,3 Witches,11 Wizards,5 Wall Breakers,20 Hog Riders,1 Jump Spell,3 Healing Spells.


1 Archer,9 Balloons,3 Barbarians,1 Golem,22 Hog Riders,2 Wall Breakers,2 Witches,6 Wizards,3 Healing Spells,1 Jump Spell.


8 Balloons,29 Hog Riders,3 Archers,6 Barbarians,7 Wizards,2 Witches,3 Healing Spells,1 Rage Spell.


6 Barbarians,37 Hog Riders,7 Archers,8 Wizards,1 Dragon,4 Healing Spells.


1 Lava Hounds,8 Dragons,12 Balloons,2 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.


3 Lava Hound,30 Balloons,5 Minions,4 Hage Spells.


2 Lava Hounds,32 Balloons,15 Minions,4 Rage Spells.


15 Balloons,11 Barbarians,1 Giant,1 Golem,9 Hog Riders,2 Lava Hounds,6 Wizards,1 Jump Spell,1 Jump Spell,2 Rage Spells


5 Lava Hounds,20 Balloons,3 Rage Spells,1 Lighting Spell.


4 Lava Hounds,24 Balloons,2 Archers,3 Minions,4 Rage Spells,1 Haste Spell.


20 Balloons,4 Lava Hounds,15 Minions,3 Rage Spells,1 Healing Spell.


10 Giants,2 Pekkas,26 Wizards,2 Witches,2 Valkyries,2 Archers,2 Rage Spells,2 Healing Spells.

                         Always know one thing-"Practice makes a man perfect".Always try these attacks 

when you are going to loot which make you more perfect.And watch all these replays of three stars 

attacks which may give you ideas on how to attack a Town Hall 9 base. 
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